台湾! 我来了^^
开心的是 可以 见到我哥和我弟 可以 和一家人享受我们的假期
难过的是 他没有跟我们一块去
我想 这次应该是我们第一次 要离开对方这么久吧
还没去 就已经 开始想念你了 该怎么办呢
Even though it is a short trip and it takes only 11 days
but I'm really feel so bad when I'm think about it
I feel like want to fit you in my luggage
but my brother said my luggage will overweight if i do so
So, bye bye for 11 days and remember you still owe me a dinner(quality one)
wait for me for foodfair, wait for me for movie, wait for me for dinner
I'm going to miss you so much, darling.
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