Graduation photo normally would be formal, simple and tidy. I don't like being to formal because it will make me feel so embarrassing and i can't have a good shoot for my graduation photo. As a conclusion, i make up my mind to take Shaleen's photo gallery service because shaleen is my friend and she will know what's I want from her.
~posing posing~
chu huat,
ur poss so
sui ar =)
haha okok, formal one!
Starting .... 1
Starting .... 2
Final .... 3!!
haha Again .... 1
.... 2
.... 3
Final .... 4 !
Come on ~ Come on~
Honestly, I feel so comfortable to take those photo because I can play around with my friends, joke around with each others like usual...I'm here to say thanks to Shaleen for her good works. Thank you~ hehe...
He great pics and congratulations for your degree
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