在天机不合的状况下发言 只会让事情更糟糕
但是 不要以为别人迁就你 是件理所当然的事
~ Private Space 4 My Life ~
This is the sample design that I choose
Me: Actually...... I'm not really satisfy with your cup cake. It seems like you didn't put in effort and I believe that you can do it better than this.
Mr.B: Um actually that is our design for all the mother's day package. I can send you other pics. Haven had time to unload into blog. The wording all set de. **(I beg if you do all the mother's day cup cake like the one you do for me, your customers will never get back to you lo, and your design has so much diff from the one i choose lo)**
Me: Design is ok but it seems so messy like you are running out of time then just simply put it on. No offence, just a feedback for you.
Mr.B: Um the cream cheese memang is use spatula spread it that way. I actually gave you topping from our premium package to try. Our cream cheese topping messy de. Our concept actually follow American cup, hope you understad. **(Who care for the cake design from which western country, and if your cup cake doesn't make sense to your customers, do you think ppl will take another order from you?? and my sample is choose from the previous work of you, means there is no design or quality control from your home based business lo)**